My Google Profile As Spoken Word: My Disorganized Religion

Someone pointed out to me that the first few paragraphs of my Google+ profile could actually be an awesome poetry-slam entry. Well, MC Yammer, master of all things linguistic, needed no further encouragement. To wit: my Poetry Slam entry! Imagine this declaimed drunkenly to a roomful of bitter rivals, all desperately competing for the coveted title, late in the proceedings.

My Disorganized Religion

You’ve found the Google profile of Andy Bassford
The musician.
Googling for me
Or one of my many namesakes
Can be confusing
To say the least.
So let me explain further.
I am NOT the hardworking and thorough
Assistant District Attorney of that name
In Richmond, Virginia.
Though to her dying day
My mother wished
That I had gone to law school.
NOR am I the renowned chef
Andy Bassford of Mobile, Alabama.
I like to cook, but no one would
Hire me to do it.
I am also NOT the British fish expert
Andy Bassford.
In fact, I know very little about fish
Except that they are quite tasty
When properly prepared.
I am NOT the recent Michigan high school graduate
Andy Bassford
Who arouses strong opinions
Among his peers.
I am blissfully ignorant of my peers’ opinions
Which is just as well.
NOR am I the devout and socially involved
English expatriate in Jamaica named
Andy Bassford.
This last gentleman
Is particularly confusing for the web surfer
Because I also lived in Jamaica
For a time.
I am partially of English descent
But I do NOT participate in any organized religion.
I am a devout musician
But that is, if anything
A disorganized religion.